Tel.: +361 333-5900  

Our translation agency,

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About our Company – in a nutshell

Our basic principles:

Our translation office was founded in 1991, in those times we worked only for OFFI, the National Bureau for Translation and Authentication, as intellectual freelance workers. In 1992 we founded our common firm under the name Docta Fordító Bt. (Docta Translations LP), which has reached its current corporate form and name after several reorganisations:: Docta Fordító Kft. (Docta Translations LLC). In parallel therewith our company’s clientele was also enjoyably expanding.

Our fundamental profile is translation in legal,

financial, economic and business matters.

In the possession of English and German translators qualification certificate we are authorised to prepare certified translations in the following language pairs:

from English into Hungarian from German into Hungarian
from Hungarian into English from Hungarian into German


Our translations in the format usual at the international level are accepted abroad without any restrictions, in each language pairs. Since we have been dealing in translations we have prepared certified translations for the most various purposes (deeds touching the family status, school reports, college and university certificates, documents relating to inheritance, nationality, civil and penal lawsuits, etc.), but we never had received any negative feedback.

As soon as we receive the original material (in e-mail, as hard copy, served personally or by post office, etc.) and we are made known the wishes (into what a language we have to translate, what is the deadline, is authentication requested, etc.) we provide at once a price offer binding for us.

After the reconciliation of the price and other conditions of the translation has been made, and the order has becom definitive, we will confirm the order, and at this point the contract shall come into being between us and the customer, which has already a mutually binding force.


law, trade, business and finance


Docta LLC H-1081 Budapest, Rákóczi út 69. HUNGARY Phone: (36-1) 333 5900 • E-Mail: