Tel.: +361 333-5900  





As our praxis was enlarging our scope of clientele was also on the way of enriching, thus we continued and enlarged our activities  – as of 1995, via conversion – in the framework of DOCTA Kft (DOCTA LLC).

For those interested deeper in our scope of subjects having arisen so far let us survey the summarized list to follow, describing – without pretention to totality – our far reaching activities.

The list below was generated in the way that we have selected at random the materials of a year and recorded the subjects, but all this reflects our variable task only like a drop in the ocean

Sale and purchase, supply, haulage, logistics agreements and other various legal                          transactions

  • Banking materials: loan agreement, bankcard, pawn, mortgage, agreement, suretyship, assignment, account keeping, other transactions of financial institutions
  • Money market subjects: bonds, shares, investment bonds, stock exchange transactions, as well as the rulings of the money market supervision and of the National Bank of Hungary, relating to the deals as aforesaid and others
  • Public procurement, concessions, PPP investments, infrastructural projects
  • Marketing, promotion, advertisement, franchise: claims prescriptions, creative ideas
  • Contracts with museums as contracting parties (landing, donation, transportation, insurance, materials of exhibitions)
  • Contracts, legal rules, brochures in connection with patents, trade marks, copyrights and other intellectual property rights, neighbouring rights
  • Company law: syndicate agreements, articles of association, deeds of establishment for various corporate forms, certified translations for use before the courts of registration
  • Power generation, oil and gas delivery, mining, oil and gas extraction, large energy projects
  • Authorities’ positions, rulings, protocols and reports of audit, examinations, decisions
  • Documents generated in criminal, civil and other official proceedings
  • Certified translation of various documents of private clients (certificates, diplomas, study index booklet, etc.)
  • Documentation for material safety, environmental protection, quality management,
  • Instructions for use, operating, maintenance of various equipment
  • Anti-trust law of the USA and other various legal rules
  • General terms and conditions of contract, cafeteria regulations of the most various companies
  • Newsletters, insider newspapers spread within the company
  • Labour law materials: employment agreements, job descriptions, regulations of disciplinary proceedings, codes of conduct, documents of labour law lawsuits
  • Protocols of investigation proceedings
  • Literary translations in the empire of fine arts, arts and crafts, photography

Docta LLC H-1081 Budapest, Rákóczi út 69. HUNGARY Phone: (36-1) 333 5900 • E-Mail: